Gender Innovation Principles
The Gender Innovation Principles is a UN Women GICC–led initiative. The aim of the principles is to set the standard for a gender-responsive approach to innovation. The Gender Innovation Principles provide companies with the benchmark for how to include women throughout the innovation life cycle. This includes five key phases namely, the design, implementation, evaluation, scale, and sustainability.
These principles can be applied in all organizations to some degree. The innovation process may be directed at developing goods and services for an external market or may be as simply as improving the way work gets done in an organization.
Innovation is a necessary requirement for organizations and institutions to prosper and grow. More actively involving women throughout the innovation lifecycle will lead to enhanced outcomes for organizations and society as a whole.
- Gender Innovation Principles. These will be launched in late 2018 and organizations can sign up to the principles. In doing so organizations agree to adopt the principles and implement them as a commitment to make innovation and technology work for women and girls.
- Gender Innovation Principles toolkits. UN Women, in partnership with the GICC, will share best practices, toolkits, and case studies across the network of signatory institutions and will also evaluate and improve the principles over time.
For more information on the Gender Innovation Principles, please contact