CSW62 side event: Harnessing ‘citizen generated data’ for effective monitoring and reporting of the SDG goal 5 and other gender-related SDGs indicators: Challenges and opportunities
UN Women in collaboration with the Government of Uganda, the Government of Ethiopia, and the SDG Center for Africa are pleased to host “Harnessing ‘citizen generated data’ for effective monitoring and reporting of the SDG goal 5 and other gender-related SDGs indicators: Challenges and opportunities”.
Date: Monday, 19 March 2018, 3–4.15 p.m. EDT
Location: Conference Room 11, UN Conference Building, UN Headquarters, New York, NY 10017. Enter through the Visitors’ Entrance on 1st Avenue and 46th Street.
RSVP: https://goo.gl/bSZAYa
Improving the production, availability and accessibility of quality gender statistics is indispensable for monitoring and generating evidence that can inform policy actions and investment. Despite the existence of regular censuses and surveys conducted by NSOs to inform the data needs, there are huge gaps in obtaining data for gender-related indicators in the SGDs.
This event will:
- Explore alternative sources of data in collaboration with state and non-governmental organizations;
- Aid in understanding citizen-generated data as complimentary source of data; and
- Discuss effective use, dissemination, and communication of gender statistics.
Keynote address: Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Executive Director
- Uganda Bureau of Statistics
- Ethiopia Statistics Agency
- SDGs Center for Africa
- Philippines Statistical Agency
- SADC Barometer
- African Development Bank
- African Monitor