In Focus: International Day of the Girl 2020

In the West Bank town of Kufr Nimeh, 35 fathers and their children joined a series of fun challenges to promote positive models of masculinity and highlight the role of men in combating gender-based violence and discrimination. The event was organized by Sharek Youth Forum & UN Women, in the context of the HAYA Joint Programme and the Men and Women for Gender Equality Programme.     Photo: UN Women/Ali Karajah
Photo: UN Women/Ali Karajah

Videos | Top stories | From our partners | Infographic | Social media

On International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October, amplify the voices and rights of girls everywhere.

The theme for this year, “My voice, our equal future”, reimagines a better world inspired and led by adolescent girls, as part of the global Generation Equality movement.

Girls worldwide are demanding a life free from gender-based violence, access to health, skills, recognition and investment as leaders of social change.

Watch this space for inspiring stories from girls to know, live conversations, and updates from our partners.



These 20 young activists will inspire you to join the fight
Girls explain: What you should know about the Beijing Platform for Action
#GenerationEquality Spoken Word: We do not wait tomorrow

Top stories

Our Executive Director answers your questions!
Our Executive Director answers your questions!

From our partners

Infographic: End the stigma. Period.

Celebrate girl power on Social Media

Girls are taking action, finding their voices and expressing their visions for an equal future. This Day of the Girl, come together online to celebrate their talents and accomplishments.

Access our social media package in Trello and Dropbox (available in multiple languages), featuring motivational cards, activities, animations, stickers, videos and stories.

Don’t forget to engage by using these hashtags: #DayoftheGirl #GenerationEquality (English); #DíaDeLaNiña #GeneraciónIgualdad (Spanish); #JournéeDeLaFille #GénérationÉgalité (French)

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See our In Focus pages for International Day of the Girl Child in the past: 2019, 20182017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012