UN Women to co-host Mobile Learning Week 2015

Education empowers women and girls. It provides them with the ability and knowledge needed to direct their own lives. The positive ripple effect of education for women and girls is so far-reaching that a number of international organizations, UNESCO and UN Women foremost among them, have persuasively argued it may be the single most effective tool for development.
With the theme “Leveraging technology to empower women and girls”, UN Women and UNESCO will co-host Mobile Learning Week 2015 from 23-27 February 2015 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. It comprises a series of workshops, symposia, a high-level policy forum and research seminars. In past years it has brought together over 700 people from over 60 countries.
As countries take stock of progress in implementing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – which addressed education and ICT as two of its critical components – Mobile Learning Week 2015 will seek to illuminate how increasingly ubiquitous, affordable and powerful mobile technology – from basic handsets to the newest tablet computers – can be leveraged to accelerate high-quality education for women and girls, especially those living in disadvantaged communities. This is a unique opportunity for participants to engage with a vibrant community and showcase the work they do to promote the education, skills development, life-long learning and empowerment of women and girls through ICTs and through the development of gender-responsive digital content. Click here to read the concept note.
Please register to attend or submit a proposal for an exhibition, presentation or workshop at the following link (French / Spanish). The deadline has been extended to 5 December 2014. Select funding opportunities will be available.