Official Documents
- E/2016/27
Report on the sixtieth session - E/CN.6/2016/1
Provisional agenda and annotations - E/CN.6/2016/1/Add.1
Proposed organization of work - E/CN.6/2016/2
Normative aspects of the work of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women - E/CN.6/2016/3
Women’s empowerment and its link to sustainable development. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2016/4
The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2016/5
Discussion guide for the Commission on the Status of Women ministerial segment on the priority theme. Note by the Secretariat - E/CN.6/2016/6
The situation of, and assistance to, Palestinian women. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2016/7
Release of women and children taken hostage, including those subsequently imprisoned, in armed conflicts. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2016/8
Report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women on the activities of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women - E/CN.6/2016/9
Women, the girl child and HIV and AIDS. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2016/10
Proposals on the Commission’s priority themes for future sessions. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2016/11
Letter from the President of the Economic and Social Council to the Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women - E/CN.6/2016/12
Input to the 2016 Economic and Social Council high-level segment. Note by the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2016/13
Results of the sessions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Note by the Secretariat - E/CN.6/2016/14
Ministerial round table: enhancing national institutional arrangements for gender equality and women’s empowerment - E/CN.6/2016/15
Ministerial round table on strengthening normative, legal and policy frameworks for gender equality and women’s empowerment - E/CN.6/2016/16
Ministerial round table on financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - E/CN.6/2016/17
Ministerial round table on fostering gender-responsive data design, collection and analysis, and building the knowledge base - E/CN.6/2016/18
High Level interactive dialogue among Ministers: Building alliances for gender responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - E/CN.6/2016/19
Priority theme, interactive expert panel: Key strategies for gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - E/CN.6/2016/20
Priority theme, interactive expert panel: Participation and partnerships for gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - E/CN.6/2016/21
Review theme: Voluntary presentations: 'The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls'
Review theme, expert panel on data gaps and on methodology: 'Addressing data gaps and methodology issues' - E/CN.6/2016/L.1
Provisional agenda and documentation for the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women - E/RES/2016/3
Multi-year programme of work of the Commission on the Status of Women - E/RES/2016/4
Situation and assistance to Palestinian women
NGO statements
- E/CN.6/2016/NGO/1
New Future Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/2
African Action on AIDS, European Union of Women, Federation Of American Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/3
World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/4
Presbyterian Church USA - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/5
Sociologists for Women in Society - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/6
Associated Country Women of the World - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/7
Center for Global Nonkilling - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/8
Society for the Protection and Assistance of Socially Disadvantaged Individuals - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/9
Medical Women’s International Association - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/10
Socialist International Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/11
Islamic Women’s Institute of Iran - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/12
Catholic Institute for International Relations - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/13
Priests for Life - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/14
American Association of University Women, Armenian Relief Society, Canadian Federation of University Women, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, International Council of Women, International Network of Liberal Women, Mothers Legacy Project, National Council of Women of Canada, National Council of Women of the United States, The Grail and YWCA of Canada - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/15
World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/16
Stichting Rutgers WPF - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/17
Equality Now - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/18
American Association of University Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/19
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/20
European Union Association in the United States - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/21
Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries and Sisters of Charity Federation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/22
International Federation of Business and Professional Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/23
Canadian Federation of University Women, Dones per la Llibertat i Democràcia, International Network of Liberal Women, Soroptimist International and Stichting African Sky - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/24
Arab African American Womens’ Leadership Council - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/25
International Council of Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/26
Women’s Intercultural Network - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/27
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/28
Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society and Association of United Families International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/29
Fielding Graduate University - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/30
All India Women’s Conference - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/31
Organisation mondiale des associations pour l’éducation prénatale - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/32
International Alliance of Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/33
Association Miraisme International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/34
Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/35
Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/36
Women’s Board Educational Cooperation Society - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/37
Asia Pacific Women’s Watch and Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/38
ISIS: Women’s International Cross-Cultural Exchange - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/39
African Women’s Development and Communication Network, Akina Mama Wa Afrika, Association of African Women for Research and Development, Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women, Femmes Afrique Solidarité, Servitas Cameroon and Women in Law and Development in Africa - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/40
Centre for Social Research - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/41
nternational Federation of Business and Professional Women, International Federation of University Women, Soroptimist International, Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland, Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific and Zonta International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/42
Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/43
Al-khoei Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/44
Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Education International, International Federation of Business and Professional Women, International Federation of University Women, Soroptimist International, Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund and Zonta International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/45
Hydroaid - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/46
Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America and Salesian Missions - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/47
Israel Women’s Network - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/48
Christian Blind Mission - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/49
International Planned Parenthood Federation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/50
Sudanese Women Parliamentarians Caucus - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/51
The Well Being Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/52
Mothers Legacy Project - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/53
Anglican Consultative Council, Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora (New Zealand), Church Women United, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, Lutheran World Federation, Presbyterian Church USA, Salvation Army, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, United Church of Christ Board for World Ministries, Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women and World Student Christian Federation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/54
Solar Cookers International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/55
ACT Alliance — Action by Churches Together, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches and Lutheran World Federation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/56
Gazeteciler ve Yazarlar Vakfi - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/57
Korean Association for supporting SDGs (ASD) - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/58
Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/59
Girls Learn International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/60
Non-Governmental Organizations Coordinating Committee - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/61
The Grail - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/62
Tabitha Cumi Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/63
International Federation of Social Workers - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/64
Africa Development Interchange Network - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/65
International Relations Students’ Association of McGill University - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/66
Salesian Missions - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/67
International Council on Social Welfare - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/68
Mother’s Union - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/69
Peacebuilding Solutions - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/70
Al-Birr and Al-Tawasul Organization - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/71
Advocates for Youth - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/72
Make Mothers Matter - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/73
Salamander Trust - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/74
International Women’s Health Coalition - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/75
International Brain Education Association Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/76
Mediators Beyond Borders - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/77
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/78
KinderEnergy - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/79
Okogun Odigie Safewomb International Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/80
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/81
Cultural Survival - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/82
Dhammakaya Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/83
Coalition against Trafficking in Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/84
Tabernacle Worship and Prayer Ministry - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/85
World Blind Union - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/86
Imamia Medics International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/87
Women’s Health and Education Center - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/88
NABU — Knowledge Transfer Beyond Boundaries - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/89
Development Generation Africa International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/90
IOGT International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/91
Zonta International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/92
Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network, and Women Thrive Worldwide - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/93
Amnesty International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/94
USA Mali Charitable Association of NYC - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/95
Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/96
International Women’s Year Liaison Group - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/97
National Alliance of Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/98
Christian Aid - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/99
Agrenska Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/100
Centa for Organisational Development and Young Women’s Christian Association of Nigeria - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/101
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/102
International Presentation Association - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/103
Asabe Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/104
Kimse Yok Mu - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/105
Human Rights Advocates - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/106
Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/107
Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/108
Ilitha Labantu - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/109
Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/110
WOOMB International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/111
Endeavour Forum, and JMJ Children’s Fund of Canada - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/112
Catholic Women’s League Australia - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/113
Sant Nirankari Mandal — Delhi - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/114
Concile mondial de congrès diplomatiques des aumoniers pour la paix universelle des droits humains et juridiques - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/115
Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Ayuda Social, Ecológica y Cultural - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/116
Alliance Defending Freedom, Centro de Estudio y Formacion Integral de la Mujer, Misión Mujer, Mujer para la Mujer, Observatorio Regional para la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe and Vida y Familia de Guadalajara - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/117
High Atlas Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/118
Handicap International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/119
Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/120
European Women’s Lobby, International Alliance of Women, National Federation of International Immigrant Women Associations and Sveriges Kvinnolobby - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/121
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Education Fund - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/122
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/123
African Youth Movement - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/124
World Lebanese Cultural Union - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/125
Indian Law Resource Centre and National Congress of American Indians, and Native American Rights Fund - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/126
Legiao da Boa Vontade - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/127
Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/128
FEMM Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/129
World Youth Alliance - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/130
Family Educational Services Foundation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/131
Inter-Action Globale - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/132
Regards de femmes - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/133
Coordination française du lobby européen des femmes, European Women’s Lobby, and International Alliance of Women - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/134
Association congolaise pour le développement agricole - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/135
Compagnons d’action pour le développement familial - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/136
Amis des étrangers au Togo - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/137
Association pour la promotion de la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes et la participation au développement de la femme africaine - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/138
Association mondiale de psychanalyse du champ freudien - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/139
Centre d’accueil et de volontariat pour orphelins, abandonnés et handicapés du Cameroun - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/140
Solidarité agissante pour le développement familial - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/141
Femmes solidaires - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/142
Dianova International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/143
Mayama - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/144
Corporativa de Fundaciones - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/145
National Women’s Council of Catalonia - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/146
Association of Families and Women in Rural Areas - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/147
Dones per la Llibertat i Democràcia - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/148
Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer, Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú and Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/149
Madre - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/150
Institut Jules-Destrée - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/151
Women and Modern World Centre - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/152
World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/153
Association of War-Affected Women, Gray Panthers, Guild of Service, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Mama Zimbi Foundation, National Alliance of Women’s Organizations, Widows Rights International, Widows for Peace through Democracy, Women for Human Rights, Single Women Group and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/154
Entrepreneurship Development Foundation for Women and Youth - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/155
Global Health and Awareness Research Foundation and Umuada Igbo Nigeria - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/156
American Psychological Association, Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre, Institute for Multicultural Counseling and Education Services, International Association of Applied Psychology, International Council of Psychologists, International Union of Psychological Science, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues and World Council for Psychotherapy - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/157
Armenian Relief Society, Canadian Federation of University Women, Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Dominican Leadership Conference, Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America, Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loreto Generalate, International Federation of Women Lawyers, International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, International Presentation Association, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, National Board of Catholic Women of England and Wales, National Council of Women of the United States, Passionists International, Salesian Missions, Salvation Army, Sisters of Charity Federation, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, UNANIMA International and Widows for Peace through Democracy - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/158
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/159
Training for Women Network - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/160
HelpAge International, AARP, Alzheimer’s Disease International — International Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Societies, Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary, Gray Panthers, Guild of Service, Instituto Qualivida, International Council on Social Welfare, International Federation on Ageing, International Longevity Center Global Alliance, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, National Alliance of Women’s Organizations, Soroptimist International and Widows for Peace through Democracy - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/161
Wespak Welfare Trust - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/162
Nazra for Feminist Studies - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/163
Education International, International Trade Union Confederation and Public Services International - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/164
Thin and High - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/165
Universal Peace Federation - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/166
Equidad de Género: Ciudadania, Trabajo y Familia - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/167
Habitat for Humanity International and Huairou Commission - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/168
Fédération européenne des centres de recherche et d’information sur le sectarisme - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/169
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/170
Foundation for Human Horizon - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/171
Global Helping to Advance Women and Children - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/172
Union for International Cancer Control - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/173
New Japan Women’s Association - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/174
Sudanese Women General Union - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/175
Association Nationale Al Hidn - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/176
International Muslim Women’s Union - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/177
International Peace and Development Organization - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/178
Women Organization for Development and Capacity-Building - E/CN.6/2016/NGO/179
Forum Azzahrae pour la femme marocaine