This publication highlights new data and evidence on gender equality trends. It finds the world falling short on its commitments to women and girls. Despite declining poverty and narrowing gender gaps in education, not a single indicator under the global gender equality Goal has been achieved. The report stresses the high cost of not investing in women’s rights and champions radical action to accelerate the pace of change.
In 2023, UN Women received USD 164.1 million in regular resources contributions. This report highlights some of the approaches and results across UN Women’s mandate that are accelerating gender equality and women’s empowerment, thanks to regular resources.
The “Women with disabilities stigma inventory” is a stand-alone tool that can be used to collect data about the experiences of women with disabilities globally in relation to stigma, discrimination, and violence. Alongside developing the WDSI, a methodological note and ethical guidelines were also produced to ensure a human rights–based approach and minimize harm.
UN Women and civil society partners in Haiti conducted a rapid gender assessment to shed light on the specific challenges and needs of women and girls in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in Haiti and to propose recommendations on how to best address them.
In 2023, the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women actively supported the implementation of 191 bold, life-changing initiatives aimed at preventing and responding to violence against women and girls in 68 countries and territories, across five regions. These initiatives reached more than 15 million people, including at least 7,723,854 women and girls.
This poster presents data on women in executive positions as Heads of State, Heads of Government, and Cabinet members leading policymaking areas as heads of Ministries. Data show that women are underrepresented in executive positions worldwide and that gender parity is still out of reach.
Five years after the ratification of ILO Convention 190 on eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work, UN Women and ILO delivered regional roadshows to strengthen capacities to implement and advocate for its ratification. This brief provides an overview of progress towards ratification by region, and highlights examples of action from diverse stakeholders to eliminate sexual harassment and other forms of violence in the world of work.
This submission on electoral participation and sexual orientation and gender identity closely examines the opportunities and challenges for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diverse, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) persons’ full equality and inclusion in electoral processes.
This report summarizes the key findings and lessons learned of the application of the UN Women–ILO policy tool, “How to assess fiscal stimulus packages from a gender equality perspective”, in Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, and Senegal. The report provides recommendations for using fiscal policies to address gender inequalities and alleviate the effects of COVID-19 on women, against the backdrop of limited fiscal space.
This report presents findings from the application of the UN Women–ILO policy support tool to estimate care deficits, investment costs, and economic returns. Applied in 2022–2023 in Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Nepal, the tool helps identify coverage gaps, project economic returns, and assess fiscal feasibility. This synthesis highlights key results and lessons, underscoring the value of scaling the tool in other countries.
The war on Gaza remains, among other things, a war on women. Over the past eight months of the war, UN Women has been documenting how the lives of women and girls have deteriorated across sectors, including food security, water, shelter, health, and safety. This Gender Alert is on the work of Women-Led Organizations (WLOs).
The “Afghanistan gender country profile 2024” provides a detailed snapshot of the situation regarding gender equality in Afghanistan. It analyses legal and institutional frameworks adopted between 2001 and 2021 and current decrees, policies and practices introduced by the Taliban since August 2021, which have fundamentally changed the status of women and girls. It also presents recommendations to guide interventions on gender equality in the complex operating environment of present-day Afghanistan.
UN Women’s work on women’s economic empowerment has a broad and ambitious mandate and aims to strengthen women’s economic rights and respond to pressing global needs. This issue of TRANSFORM features the recent “Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s support to women’s political participation: Insights from the field”.
UN Women’s work on women’s political participation is aimed at ensuring that women lead, participate in, and benefit equally from governance systems by upholding women’s right to participate in public life and removing barriers to their equal participation. This independent corporate thematic evaluation assesses the impact, relevance, effectiveness, coherence, and sustainability of UN Women’s contributions to women’s political participation, and proposes recommendations and insights to strengthen this area of work.
This toolkit is a comprehensive resource aimed at enhancing the capacity of frontline workers to integrate protection and support for adolescent boys and male youth (ABMY), including persons with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC), into protection programs.
UN Women has been documenting the experiences of women in Gaza in a series of gender alerts that look at various aspects of how the war is impacting the daily lives of women and girls, including food, water, shelter, health, and protection. This new alert focuses on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services, which are integral to women’s health, dignity, safety, and privacy.
This is the second annual report of the UN Women Executive Director on the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2022–2025. It is a combined report, highlighting key results from the first two years of implementing the Strategic Plan and incorporating findings and recommendations from the midterm review.
This brochure summarizes UN Women’s strategic note (SN) for Côte d’Ivoire, 2021–2025, which provides a roadmap for improving the lives of women and girls in Côte d’Ivoire. The SN articulates UN Women’s multi-year strategy, rationale, envisioned results, targets, and resource requirements for the next four years.
Amidst stalled progress on achieving gender equality, the evaluation offices of UN Women, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, and WFP conducted an inter-agency synthesis of UN system evaluations related to SDG 5 (gender equality). 295 evaluations were synthesized to generate evidence on what is working, evidence gaps, and lessons to advance SDG 5. The results are intended to serve as a catalyst for action by providing stakeholders with a series of implications to efforts to accelerate SDG 5.
This briefing note has been developed to contribute to strengthening the quality and availability of data on violence against women with disability. It analyses the work conducted so far, existing challenges and data gaps, and identifies key recommendations to strengthen ongoing and future data collection efforts.