UN Women Executive Board meets for its second regular session


New York — The UN Women Executive Board will meet for its second regular session on 15-16 September, against the backdrop of  UN Women’s global campaign to review and commemorate the 20-year anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

Beijing+20 is a strategic moment. The global community is intensifying efforts towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, and the elaboration of a post-2015 development agenda and Sustainable Development Goals is underway. Deputy Executive Director Lakshmi Puri will brief the Board on how the confluence of these processes provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to position gender equality and women’s empowerment at the forefront of the global agenda.

In response to Member States’ interest in UN Women’s role in emergencies, Deputy Executive Director John Hendra will present a briefing on UN Women humanitarian activities, highlighting areas where UN Women has already made a difference in the humanitarian response.

They will also learn about UN Women’s work in Colombia UN Women’s Representative in Colombia will present highlights from the country programme, including efforts to spur women’s political participation, economic empowerment, and peace and security.

The Executive Board will be presented with a big picture analysis of all the decentralized evaluations undertaken by UN Women in 2013, as well as management’s perspective on the evaluators’ recommendations. Member States will also informally discuss how UN Women can finance the objectives laid out in its Strategic Plan 2014-2017” at a lunch time event on 15 September.

The second regular session will be the last formal session for Ambassador Gonzalo Koncke, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the UN, as President of UN Women’s Executive Board. The next President will be elected in early 2015.