Moldova ramps up IT training for girls
Created to boost Moldova's innovation capacity by teaching young women digital tech and IT skills, UN Women’s GirlsGoIT plans more local IT clubs for girls and an IT summer camp in 2016.Date:

After a successful 2015 that included Moldova’s first-ever IT summer camp for girls and a follow-up conference in October that created four local GirlsGoIT clubs, UN Women’s GirlsGoIT initiative will expand its activities in 2016 with IT workshops and events, more computer clubs for young women across Moldova and its second summer IT camp.
GirlsGoIT provides girls and young women with entrepreneurial start-up, digital tech and IT skills, and encourages them to pursue a career in IT, long a male-dominated sector in Moldova.
"At the summer school, I learned technical operations, project management and gained entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Now I am excited about creating a GirlsGoIT local chapter for girls and boys passionate about IT," said Diana Marusic, one of the summer camp participants.
Read the full story on UN Women’s regional website for Europe and Central Asia: