Annual session 2011
Documents for the annual session of the UN Women Executive Board, 27–30 June 2011.
Item | Documents | Download |
1 | Organizational matters | |
Statement of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director | en | |
Provisional agenda, annotations and documentation, and workplan for the annual session of 2011 (UNW/2011/L.2) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Proposed Provisional Agenda and Workplan for the Second Regular Session 2011 | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
2 | United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Strategic Plan 2011-2013 | |
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Strategic Plan 2011-2013 (UNW/2011/9) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Annex I: UN-Women development results framework | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Annex II: UN-Women management results framework | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Annex III: UN-Women integrated resources framework | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Annex IV: Strengthening the presence of UN-Women in the field | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Annex V: UN-Women monitoring, evaluation and research framework (2011-2013) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Annex VI: How UN-Women will work at the country level | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Annex VII: Use of resources by results | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
UN- Women Strategic Plan Breakdown | en |
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